22 April / 2024

Marketing Business Conference

Business Centre of Entrepreneurship, Istanbul
About the conference
15 speakers will share their experiences in the marketing industry with betturkey. They will talk about new trends, what to stream and what to look out for in 2024
Industry professionals will talk about betturkey
An 8-hour programme and a huge amount of content
The conference will bring together participants from all over the world
You will have a great opportunity to meet experts in the marketing industry of betturkey. Make contacts for further work
  • Carol Nicer
  • Eva Landon
  • Galina Markova
  • Steve Laps
  • Roza Grindevald
  • Leo Sapsan
Conference programme
22 April
08:00 – 08:30
Opening of the conference betturkey
08:30 – 10:00
Personal growth of every marketer
You will be told how to find your own style, yet not lose your identity in the process of becoming a marketer
The art of presentation in the field
Eva Markova
Eva shares her experience of creating presentations that managed to change the product strategy of betturkey.
11:30 – 12:30
Pros and cons of new advertising formats
Galina Laund
Galina will reveal the key figures for marketing results
15:30 – 17:00
Closing of the conference

$40 if purchased before 1 April

Full price $80
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